We have unpacked most of our boxes and even managed to find the cable to download our pictures from the camera. So I know you are all ready to see pictures of Japan (because someone asks daily) but you will have to wait a bit longer. I am going to post in the order events happened. Sorry, you will just have to be patient with me:)
I will start with leaving Charleston. Our family really enjoyed our three years in the Palmeto State. It was great fun to visit locations from my childhood (Summer is from Charleston if you did not know). And God blessed us with an awesome church and many new friends. You all played a fantastic role in shaping our family. I just wanted to say thanks and we will miss you. I wanted to especially thank all of you who donate your time to a ministry and Northwood Baptist. So very many of you loved our children and for that we are truly appreciative. Thank you for serving in the nursery, teaching children's choir or Sunday school, spending a week at VBS, coaching Upward Basketball, and a huge thank you for all the Awana leaders. I know you do it because you love God and children. Please remember when it gets to be a burden that those little people come home talking about how great you are. So many of you played a vital role in the lives of our children and you will be remembered for the rest of their lives. Thank you all so very much.