The kids' first airplane ride was to the other side of the world. Beat That! They did very well on the plane to Atlanta mostly because we had packed plenty of snacks. Then we were all excited and a bit relieved when we missed our connection and were able to stay over in Atlanta with my sisters.

By travel day two the thrill had worn off a bit. The kids were tired of dragging around backpacks that weighed more than they do. But we pushed on.

I knew we were in trouble when all of the Japanese people were on the plane sleeping and my children were not. They stayed awake the entire flight. And of course Maddison and Morganne both passed out cold as we descended into Tokyo. Looking back it is funny thinking of us dragging the kids through customs, Morganne sleeping in her car seat and Maddison screaming because we had to wake her. Funny, but I am not ready to make that flight again for quite some time. It took us a good week to be able to sleep through the night.
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