Sunday, May 18, 2008

It's Potty Time

With my love of ceramics I guess it is only natural that I am intrigued by items made of porcelain. OK, so these may not be beautiful works of art worthy of a museum but they do bring many giggles to our family. It is amazing what one culture has managed to do with a potty. In many public restrooms you will find potties that play music while you go. I guess that is to disguise any sounds that may disturb others or cause them to think that you are actually going to the bathroom behind that little door.
Then other restrooms have the “camping pot” as I like to call it. This is simply a somewhat glorified hole in the ground. I don’t really understand why a culture as refined as this one would have such a crude device. Sorry that the water looks "yellow" the color of the tolet gave it that tint. I PROMISE! Maddison likes the “mommy and me” stalls that have a big and little potty together. I am partial to the ones with seat warmers and bottom washers.
The potties in our house come complete with a faucet where you can wash your hands as the toilet bowl is filling. I prefer to use the sink! Yes, it is true that I have found myself taking pictures of in the strangest things in Japan. Check out my giant baby on a Japanese changing table!

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